Friday, November 11, 2016

TOW #9 | Written - Team of Vatican Geneticists Successfully Clone God

The Onion, a well-known satirical news source published an article titled, “Team of Vatican Geneticists Successfully Clone God.” Through maintaining a satirical tone throughout the article and using allusions to the Bible, the Onion effectively reveals the irony of the article in order to entertain the audience and mock the close-minded Catholic community.

The irony present in the article is very outright and straightforward. The title itself, “Team of Vatican Geneticists Successfully Clone God,” expresses irony in which Vatican people are very Catholic and conservative, and would never approve messing with “God’s power” by cloning. The act of cloning God is ironic as well for the same reasons. Because of this ridiculous irony of conservative, Catholic people going against their faith and cloning God, the being in which condemns acts such as cloning allows the audience to laugh at the ridiculousness of the irony. Throughout the article, the Onion manages to allude to the Bible in order to emphasize that the clone is being treated like God. They refer to the newborn clone of God as “He,” and claim that the newborn is able to “possesses complete omniscience, and even at this early age, we have observed Him beginning to transcend space and time” (8). These descriptions emphasize how the newborn clone is something of greater power and superior to humans. The way that the author describes and refers to the clone portrays an element of seriousness, a stark contrast to the satire present before. This added element of contrast and irony by referring to the clone in a holy, serious manner further entertains and pokes fun at the close-minded conservative Catholic community.

The irony throughout the text is portrayed through maintaining a satirical tone and adding allusions to the Bible in the article; By doing so, the Onion entertains the audience and mocks the close-minded Catholic community.

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