Monday, January 16, 2017

TOW #15 | Visual - Global Warming

These days, many people question or are skeptical about the concept of climate change, otherwise known as “global warming.” Despite scientific evidence showing that climate change is real, people still refuse to accept the issue as a problem growing in our world. The artist in the visual text, “Global Warming” utilizes an hourglass and detailed drawing of the Earth in an effort to portray the severity of climate change and how people should act upon it through preserving the environment.

The concept of time can be portrayed in a multitude of ways. Clocks, timers, and watches are all examples of things that are used to keep time. However, the artist chose to portray time passing with an hourglass to show that as time passes, the Earth will be flooded due to climate change. Instead of sand, the hourglass uses water instead to portray the melted ice caps as a result of global warming. The drop of water about to drop onto the “world” which is shown on the bottom of the hourglass is the artist’s effort in showing how close our world is to being directly affected by climate change.

The “world” in the visual text is extremely detailed to emphasize the actions that humans take to speed up the process of climate change and destroy the environment. The tree and tree stumps portray deforestation. Deforestation is one example of many that the artist draws to show the things people do to further destroy the Earth. Other details such as roads, the gas sign, and the great number of cars are drawn for the same purpose.

Through the imagery the artist gives the audience, the artist attempts to inform and warn the audience of the dangers that come with destroying the Earth and its environment. Although cutting down one tree or burning fuel in one car does not seem like it would affect the environment much, with many people making the same careless actions, global warming and its dreadful effects are right at the fingertips of people and may drip on them at any moment.

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